Video tips

Get acquainted with the video tips, how with e-room products you can make the room your assistants in everyday life.

1. Tip

Using a WiFi/Zigbee light switch module or a WiFi light switch combined with a WiFi door/window sensor, it is possible to create an automation so that the light turns on automatically as soon as you open the room door.

Example: When you arrive home with shopping bags, you don't need to release your hands to turn on the light switch, the light will turn on automatically as soon as the door is opened.

WiFi Door/Window sensorWiFi light switch module

2. Tip

By using the WiFi/Zigbee light switch module together with the IR touchless light switch, it is possible to create a smart IR touchless light switch.

Example: You can use the switch in a car service, so that you do not have to physically touch the light switch with dirty hands, this way you will maintain a clean and modern car service.

IS a touchless light switchWiFi light switch

3. Tip

Using the WiFi smart socket, you can quickly and easily automate and remotely control the devices connected to it. Installation will take less than 5 minutes.

Example: Insert the smart socket to an existing socket and use it to connect the iron between them. If you get distracted or turn off the iron, you will be able to do it remotely if you are out of the house.

WiFi smart socket