
General agreement / Conclusion of a distance contract

SIA S-Industry, registration no. 40203529062, legal address: Viestura iela 14-42, Cesis, LV-4101, Latvia, hereinafter – S-Industry, provides the content available on the web page e-istaba, hereinafter – the Homepage, and sells goods in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below, deliveries terms, terms of return of goods, other terms and conditions and operating policy, the outline of which can be found on the Website, together called - Terms. By making a purchase on the Website, the customer confirms that he has read the Terms, understands them and agrees to abide by them without restrictions and conditions.

1.2. If the customer as a consumer, using the Internet, purchases the goods offered on the e-istaba  Website, then such mutual agreement is considered a distance contract in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No. 255 "Regulations on Distance Contracts" and related external regulatory enactments.

1.3. If the customer who ordered and purchased the product on the e-istaba Website does not have legal capacity and/or legal capacity, the legal representative (parent or guardian) of this person is responsible for ordering and paying for the product. In the above case, the order cannot be canceled and the purchase fee is not refunded.

2. Privacy

You can get information about how e-istaba processes your personal data in the Privacy Policy section of the Website.

3. Purpose of website operation

The e-istaba website is created and maintained by S-Industry. The website is designed to allow customers to familiarize themselves with the goods sold by S-Industry and to ensure their purchase, as well as to ensure effective communication with S-Industry in connection with the selection and purchase of goods offered on the Website.

4. Intellectual property

4.1. All information available on the Website, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, text, images, sound recordings, videos, their compilation and arrangement, hereinafter referred to as Content, is the property of S-Industry or its partners and is protected by the laws and regulations binding in the Republic of Latvia . Use of the content in a manner that could infringe the intellectual property rights of S-Industry or its partners is prohibited.

4.2. Reproduction or republishing of the Website Content in whole or in part is prohibited.

5. Goods

5.1. The e-istaba of S-Industry offers smart devices, sensors, switches for lighting, sockets for home automation and other electrical devices on the homepage, before and after - Products.

5.2. S-Industry provides true and comprehensive information about the technical parameters of the Products, as well as information, as far as possible, for which the Product is suitable. If you have questions about the product's suitability, please contact S-Industry before placing an order.

5.3. e-istaba provides as accurate as possible information on the available products on the Website, but S-Industry cannot guarantee that the information related to the Product fully describes the product.

5.4. All Products purchased on the Website have a manufacturer's warranty, which is specified for the specific Product, i.e. the guarantor, term, scope and conditions. Regardless of the manufacturer's warranty, the customer as a consumer has the legal right within 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Product to submit a claim for a Product that does not comply with the terms of the contract.

5.5. To use the warranty rights, the consumer fills out the Product return form attached to each purchase and delivers it together with the Product to S-Industry at Viestura Street 14-42, Cesis, LV -4101 during business hours, sends it by post to the address specified by S-Industry, or to the Omniva package with the address "TOP package Viestura street 8, Cesis", indicating S-Industry's phone number: 200 106 26. S-Industry sends the product to the manufacturer without delay for verification of the warranty case. If the Product manufacturer confirms that the Product does not meet the quality standards, S-Industry will return your money for the purchased Product. If the Product's manufacturer does not confirm the Product's non-compliance with quality standards, S-Industry will provide you with a motivated explanation of the reasons.

6. Pricing policy

6.1. On the website, all prices are indicated in Euro (EUR) currency. All prices are inclusive of VAT or other taxes and duties where applicable. Depending on the selected delivery method, order amount and delivery address, S-Industry's order may be subject to a delivery fee, which will be clearly indicated prior to payment confirmation and included in the order price.

6.2. S-Industry will indicate the final price of the Product, including taxes and duties, as well as delivery or postage costs, before concluding the Distance Contract. If S-Industry is unable to pre-calculate shipping or postage costs, S-Industry will notify the customer.

6.3. If S-Industry finds that when placing an order, the price indicated in the order differs from the price indicated on the Website at that time, S-Industry will contact the customer and offer the opportunity to cancel the order. If S-Industry fails to contact the customer, the order will be considered canceled and S-Industry will return to the customer all payments made under the relevant order.

7. Payment

Information on payment methods and procedures for orders is available at the time of purchase by choosing a payment method.

8. Delivery procedure

8.1. Information on the methods of order receipt or delivery, procedures and costs can be obtained in the Delivery section of the Website. Information about the availability of the Products, as well as the times of receipt or delivery, can be obtained from the description of each Product.

8.2. By placing an order, the customer agrees that S-Industry prepares the invoice electronically and that it is valid without a signature. S-Industry can provide a delivery note for the goods in printed form or signed with a secure electronic signature by sending it to the e-mail specified by the customer at the time of the order, if the customer informs about it in advance by writing to the e-mail address: [email protected].

9. Right of withdrawal

9.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Distance Agreement within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the Product without giving a reason. In order for the deadline for the right of withdrawal to be respected, it is sufficient if the notice of exercising the right of withdrawal has been sent before the expiry of the right of withdrawal.

9.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must inform S-Industry of the decision to withdraw from the Distance Agreement with an unequivocal statement. Notification of the exercise of the right of refusal can be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected] or by mail to the address: Viestura iela 14-42, Cēsis, LV -4101. To communicate the right of withdrawal, the customer can use the sample withdrawal form attached to each order.

9.3. After notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the customer must immediately and in any case no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day when the customer notifies S-Industry of his decision to withdraw from the Distance Agreement, return the Product by delivering it to the address indicated by S-Industry at Viestura Street 14-42, Cēsis, LV -4101 , during S-Industry working hours, by sending by post to S-Industry Viestura iela 14-42, Cēsis, LV -4101 or to Omniva parcel with the address "TOP parcel Viestura iela 8, Cēsis", specifying S-Industry's phone number: 200 106 26, observing S-Industry's working hours. To agree on another way of returning the Product, please contact S-Industry via e-mail [email protected]. The deadline will be met if the Goods are sent back before the end of the 30 (thirty) day deadline.

9.4. If the customer cancels the Distance Agreement, S-Industry refunds the payments received from the customer, including the cost of one delivery, without unreasonable delay and in any case no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day when the customer has informed S-Industry of the decision to cancel Distance contract. S-Industry will issue a refund using the same means of payment that the customer used for the transaction, unless the customer has requested otherwise. In any case, Trodo will not charge extra for the refund. S-Industry may withhold the refund until S-Industry has received the Goods back.

9.5. The customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods, if the goods are not used to determine the type, characteristics and operation of these goods, but for other purposes. If S-Industry determines that the Product is used, damaged, dirty, otherwise operated, or with signs of assembly or use, S-Industry may refuse to accept the Product back. The product can be returned without the original packaging.

10. Compensation
The customer undertakes to compensate S-Industry, to defend and protect S-Industry from damage, losses, damages or costs, as well as to reimburse expenses for legal services incurred due to claims, cases or demands brought by third parties in connection with the violation of the Terms, errors provided by the customer in statements or in the use of the Website by the client.
11. Dispute resolution procedure
11.1. All disputes, which in any way relate to the authorization of the client on the Website or arise in connection with the execution, clarification or termination of the Distance Agreement, will be resolved through mutual negotiations.

11.2. S-Industry will respond to any client's submission in accordance with the procedure and within the time limit specified in the regulatory legal acts and will inform about the possible way of fulfilling the claim, the solution of the dispute or the alternative way of fulfilling the claim.

11.3. If it is not possible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, then the customer as a consumer can file a claim in the court of the Republic of Latvia, which is the country of registration of S-Industry, or in the court of the customer's place of residence (domicile).

11.4. S-Industry can bring a claim against the customer as a consumer only in the courts of the member state in which the customer's place of residence (domicile) as a consumer is located.

11.5. With these Terms, S-Industry does not in any way limit the customer's right as a consumer to contact the Consumer Protection Center for the protection of their rights.
12. Signing of documents
In cases where the ordered product is delivered to the address specified by the buyer, the document confirming the purchase is the goods delivery note, which is sent to the e-mail specified in the order of the relevant product. The person responsible for assembling the order and drawing up the shipping document is indicated on the purchase document or the goods delivery note. According to these regulations, the existence of the name and surname of the responsible person indicated on the document is equivalent to the signature of the said person.

In case of returning goods, S-Industry issues a credit invoice, which is either prepared by the seller and the original is issued to the customer, or by the warehouse, which prepares the credit invoice electronically and sends it to the e-mail specified in the order of the relevant product. The refund to the customer can be made by bank transfer, depending on the specific situation and the selected payment method at the time of placing the order.

13. General provisions
13.1. The customer agrees that the Terms constitute the entire current agreement concluded between the customer and S-Industry regarding the use of this Website and its content.

13.2. S-Industry has the right to correct and clarify the Terms at any time by publishing the relevant changes on the Website and indicating the date of the last change. Any changes made to the Terms will be effective immediately upon their publication. The customer agrees that by continuing to use the Website after making such changes, the customer hereby confirms his acceptance of all changes. S-Industry reserves the right to cancel or revoke any rights granted by the Terms. The Customer must comply with such revocation or change from the moment they are made, including, if necessary, ceasing to use the Website in any way.

13.3. Nothing in these Terms shall be construed as establishing a partnership or other type of joint venture between the client and S-Industry. Cases in which S-Industry is unable to obtain compliance with the Terms from the customer's side do not affect S-Industry's right to demand their compliance before or after. If any clause of the Terms is unenforceable or invalid within the framework of the applicable legislation, or is recognized as unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a competent authority or a court ruling, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the Terms as a whole. Instead, the Terms are amended to the extent possible in accordance with applicable law so that they fully reflect the original intent of the original Terms.

Privacy Policy 

1. General provisions.

1.1. This Privacy Policy describes how the SIA S-Industry, registration no. 40203529062, legal address: Viestura iela 14-42, Cesis, LV-4101, Latvia, (hereinafter - S-Industry) obtains, processes and stores personal data that e-istaba obtains from its customers and persons who visit the website ( hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject” or “You”).

1.2. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e. i.e., the data subject. Processing is any activity related to personal data, such as obtaining, recording, modifying, using, viewing, erasing or destroying.

1.3. The data controller complies with the data processing principles provided for in the legislation and is able to confirm that personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable legislation.

2. Acquisition, processing and storage of personal data.

2.1. Personally identifiable information is obtained, processed and stored by the Data Controller, mainly through the website of the online store and e-mail.

2.2. By visiting and using the services provided in the online store, you agree that any information provided is used and managed in accordance with the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.

2.3. The data subject is responsible for ensuring that the submitted personal data is correct, accurate and complete. Knowingly providing false information is considered a violation of our Privacy Policy. The data subject is obliged to immediately notify the Data Controller of any changes in the submitted personal data.

2.4. The Data Controller is not responsible for damages caused to the Data Subject or third parties, if they are caused by falsely submitted personal data.

3. Processing of personal data of customers

3.1. The data controller may process the following personal data:

3.1.1. Name and surname

3.1.2. Date of birth

3.1.3. Contact information (email address and/or phone number)

3.1.4. Transaction data (purchased goods, delivery address, price, payment information, etc.).

3.1.5. Any other information submitted to us during the purchase of services and goods offered by the website or when communicating with us.

3.2. In addition to the above, the Data Controller has the right to verify the accuracy of the submitted data using publicly available registers.

3.3. The legal basis for personal data processing is Article 6, Clause 1, subparagraph a), b), c) and f) of the General Data Protection Regulation:

a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes;

b) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a contracting party or for the performance of measures at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract;

c) the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation attributable to the controller;

f) processing is necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except if the interests of the data subject or the fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms that require the protection of personal data are more important than such interests, especially if the data subject is a child.

3.4. The Data Controller stores and processes the Personal Data of the Data Subject as long as at least one of the following criteria is met:

3.4.1. Personal data are necessary for the purposes for which they were received;

3.4.2. As long as the Data Manager and/or the Data Subject can realize their legitimate interests, such as submitting objections or bringing or bringing a lawsuit to court, in accordance with the procedures set forth in external regulatory acts;

3.4.3. As long as there is a legal obligation to store data, such as under the Accounting Act;

3.4.4. As long as the Data Subject's consent to the relevant personal data processing is valid, if there is no other legal basis for personal data processing.

Upon termination of the conditions mentioned in this paragraph, the term of storage of the personal data of the Data Subject also expires and all relevant personal data are permanently deleted from computer systems and electronic and/or paper documents that contained the relevant personal data or these documents are anonymized.

3.5. In order to fulfill its obligations to you, the Data Controller has the right to transfer your personal data to cooperation partners, data processors who carry out the necessary data processing on our behalf, for example, accountants, courier services, etc. The data processor is the controller of personal data. Payment processing is provided by the payment platform e-istaba, therefore our company transfers the personal data necessary for payment execution to the owner of the platform, S-Industry.

Upon request, we can transfer your personal data to state and law enforcement authorities in order to defend our legal interests, if necessary, by drafting, submitting and defending legal claims.

3.6. When processing and storing personal data, the Data Controller implements organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure and any other illegal processing.

4. Rights of the data subject

4.1. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the laws of the Republic of Latvia, you have the right to:

4.1.1. Access your personal data, receive information about their processing, as well as request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transfer this data to another controller (data portability);

4.1.2. Request correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;

4.1.3. Delete your personal data ("be forgotten"), except in cases where the law requires data retention;

4.1.4. Withdraw your previously given consent to the processing of personal data;

4.1.5. Restrict the processing of your data - the right to request that we temporarily stop processing all your personal data;

4.1.6. Contact the Data State Inspectorate

You can submit a request for the exercise of your rights by filling out the form in person at Viestura iela 14-42, Cēsis, LV-4101, Latvia, or by sending the request electronically by writing to the customer support service at [email protected].

5. Final provisions

5.1. This Privacy Policy has been developed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC ( General Data Protection Regulation), as well as the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union in force.

5.2. The data controller has the right to make changes or additions to the Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. Amendments come into effect after they are published on the website